What u lookin' at ?! I know i'm HOT.. I'm kinda busy right now, so just talk with my managers or secretaries.. They are: Binti, Grinti, Anti, Nanti, Mati, Piti :p
Don't worry, i'll give my signature later, free pula ! lolYes, this is vivian.. She looks like a mysterious agent from IRAQ... ;) Gw suka gaya loe, Vi !! hahahaha...
Nice outfit, rite ?!
Designer: Vivian Geow
Model: Vivian Geow
Nobody wants to wear that outfit.. Because, it's too too too too too unique.. Duh !! lol
There are some people tried to destroy all the pics, with their own silly expressions... including me !! mmmuuaaaahhhahhhhaaa ( Evil Laugh ) ;p
Sorry, guys for spoiling the pics ! ;p
Vivi, jangan rogol dia di depan kamera.. rogolnya di bilik saja.. lol
Actually, lem looks "ready".. hahahaha
And dedel still with his favorite pose.. I just pretend don't know anything (i'm an innocent) ;p
Onya looks really shocked when she saw what vivian did to Lem.. :) PEACE !Do we look like professional models?? i think, we do.. lol
Who got the sexiest lips in this pic ?
Hhhmmmm.... ;p
Yes, u r right ! Actually, i know the answer already... Hahahaha !
Look Dedel's face ! So horny.. lol
Vivian looks scared, coz there's something almost drop.. Hahahahaha !
And Daron looks confuse ( itu yg sexy )
Btw, Look at the background.. Onya tried to show her beautiful plastic bag.. :)Del, what r u trying to do to my roommate ?? lol
Daron's: natural smile
Vivian's: Happiness smile
Dedel: Sexy pose
Yay.. look ! Benji just passed (Red shirt) ;p
Make Up artist: Carolyn Bloom Dior... lol
I'm desperate for clients !!!!!!!!! ;p
Future clients: 2211
I'm waiting...lolHair Dressing: Daniel Kopp
He gets the same case like me.. ;p
Future clients: 2176
Who are they ???
Mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling ramah di MC
They are my friends :)
Behind me is one of the famous river in Thailand..
I forgot the name :) I supposed to write it down 1st..Just like Borobudur,right ?
Well, actually still better Borobudur, tho.... ;p If u come inside the Temple, u will see the Buddha statues which destroyed by the war (Sukothai Period).. This temple is really old, but still strong.. It will be the witness from the war.This is one of the palace @ the Grand Palace. I took this pic from outside.. It looks so beautifull, u know ;)
Taken from the bus.. This is The Grand Palace ! isn't it beautiful ? This place is so big, u know.. If u go inside, u'll see how big that place ;) I want to go back there again..
This is our style, when we do the sunglasses advertisement ;p
Don't we look cool and professional ?! Hahahaha...Come and get it !
For the 5 costumers who order earlier, will get discount 50% + free dinner with Daron, LemLem, DeDel, Tedson and Sondang... lol
2 of us are gila foto ;p
this pic was taken this mornin'..
So messy lar, my hair.. ;p
Actually, sengaja, kok... lol
No comment.... lol
The Models: DeDel and LemLemWe are supposed to pray, but, vivian was teasing me... ;p ( Ck..ck..ck.. bad gurl ! ;p )
Is she my roommate ??Is she Vivian ?? I don't think so...
maybe, she's the evil twin.. Aaaarrrggghhhh !!!! TIDAK !! no wonder, she looks cacat.. lol
Hahahahaha...... :pThe Loy krathong's Contestants 2006-2007
Name: Vivian Geow
ID: 200500xxx
Birth Place: KL, Malaysia
Bestfriends: Binti, Grinti, Anti, Piti, Benji, Roscoe..
Idola: Anggoo (siapa, yah? ;p ) and Daron..
Favorite TV Show: SpongeBob Square Pants... YAYS !
Status: Janda beranak 10.. HOT MAMA, booo ;p
Boyfriendsssss: Sapi, Itik, Bear, Reindeer, Tengkorak and Bacteria
Major: Food Minor: Sleep
Motto: "Gaaaarrryyyy, Diinnneeerrrr.... " ( There's a special technique for saying that..lol)
Pesan-pesan Terakhir: "Marilah kita, bermandi ria bersama Carol di Kali !" ;p
P.S: SiaL !!! This is my blog, how come vivi forced me to say that.. :(
Vivian, DeDel, Me, Onya and Julie...
(Kyak, penampakan, yah... lol)Look!! We were running towards to the camera.. ;p And for Dedel.. Nice jump !! lol
Where was i ? hahaha.. nvm
We really really had so much fun ;pHahaha... This pic is so cool !! I just realized that all of us who be the background were wearing dark color.. Only, Lem was wearing red... Btw, look at his eyeliner ! nice, huh ?! I did that.. lol
Hahahaha... Julie, Me and Dedel tried to have our own racing.. lol ;)
It's so funny when i see this pic and see our own expression and style.... ;pGhost pic.. lol ;p Having so much fun, Vi ? hahahaha... Vi, ur eyes look sepet :p
Me too, tho.. Can u see that ? hahaha... From the pic, lorena (blue shirt) just like dancing ballet.. And lem also, but, not ballet.. Hhhm, it looks like MJ style.. lol
This is my big sizta, Sharon.. Do we look like twins ? I don't think so.. :) She is prettier than me :) I always proud of her and for me, she is perfect.. Luv u, siz !
Some list, why i always feel proud of her:
1. Pretty
2. Smart
3. Independent
4. Caring
5. Beautiful voice
6. Understanding
7. She has a killer smile.. lol
8. Beautiful hair
9. Fashionable
10. Sexy
11. Friendly
Buan, me and ketz.. @PLANGI
I miss es kacang merah ;pMy sizta, Buan again..lol and me :)
That day was my 1st day in Jakarta, after went back from nunukan..
I just spent 2 weeks there :( but actually, i want to stay longer... 2 weeks was not enough..lol
Name: Carolyn Kellen
Bdae: Nov 4th
Nicks:Carol, Iyo, Imoet j/k
Skool:Mission College
Contact:Is it important ?? ;p
[[*My Adores*]]
Food: Spicy foods (of course!!), specially my mom's cooking..
Drinks: Anything.. As long as refreshing and relaxing :)
People: Jesus! My family, My good friends (Da Raros), TLP
Things: I hate when people change without reason.. I hate people stare at me, specially strangers
Food: Bitter foods and yg nggak jelas gitchu ;p
[[*Music's Playing*]]
Artist: Ten2Five
Song: I will Fly
[[*My Past Memories*]]
|July 2006|August 2006|September 2006|October 2006|November 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|July 2007
[[*The Conversations*]]
[[*My Friends*]]
the bloint|
Bob 2|
|Mak-ku ;p|
Me (multiply)|
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|